Support the Cambridge University Symphony Chorus

Support the Cambridge University Symphony Chorus

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The chorus is a large symphonic, auditioned choir of 120 singers that performs a wide range of music, with a strong focus on major 19th and 20th century orchestral choral works.


While maintaining strong links with the University, the chorus' membership comprises undergraduates, graduates, staff and alumni of the University, and non-university Cambridge residents. The chorus strives to offer a platform for young professional artists, providing opportunities for emerging talent.

Alongside the chorus' Music Director, a guest conductor is invited for one term each year, and the chorus also enjoys trips and performances abroad. All donations go to support the running of the chorus, helping to ensure it continues to thrive and provide world-class musical performances. If you choose to donate £100 or more, you will automatically become a member of the Centre for Music Performance Supporters' Circle.

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Derek Wilson

Head of Development — Sport, Music Performance, Clubs and Societies