Cambridge University Library

Cambridge University Library

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to support Cambridge University Library

  • University Library tower
    The University Library's tower
  • Digitising the Newton Papers, Cambridge University Library
    Digitising the Newton Papers

Cambridge University Library is one of the world’s most important repositories of the recorded word—in media ranging from 3000-year-old bone to the latest digital resources.

At the vanguard of new developments in scholarship, Cambridge University Library (UL) has been amassing extraordinary collections for centuries, through both legal deposit and generous benefaction. The history of Cambridge University Library is synonymous with a history of enlightened support.

As a research and teaching library, it sits at the heart of academic life at Cambridge. As a resource of international importance, it supports scholarship on a global scale.

Major opportunities exist to develop the Library: its collections, its places, its people, its many innovative and exciting projects and to facilitate its evolution into a combined print and digital library. Support for the UL will have an enduring impact and will resonate far beyond the boundaries of academe.

Philanthropic opportunities

  • Endowing curatorial roles
  • Naming reading rooms
  • Supporting internships
  • Sponsoring the digitisation of one or more collections
  • Funding Library special projects
  • Supporting the Library's exhibition centre

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Support the University Library

You can donate online or if you would like to discuss your philanthropic goals or explore opportunities for collaborative investment, please contact:

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Or, find out about other ways to give.

Amy Reeve

Senior Associate Director — University Library

Opportunities in 'Cambridge University Library'

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Cambridge’s collections have multiple lives, embracing public and private histories, personal and scientific interest and the past and the present.