Rackets Club (CUSRC)

Rackets Club (CUSRC)

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to support Rackets Club (CUSRC)

  • Decorative

Cambridge University Squash Rackets Club is one of the oldest university sports clubs in Cambridge, with the first official Varsity match held in 1925.

We field three men's and two women's teams in the Cambridgeshire leagues, with both the 1st teams competing in the top division of their respective gender. Some of our members represent the University at individual competitions such as BUCS Individuals and the Jesters, and we also play traditional fixtures against clubs such as the Jesters, the Armed Forces, and the RAC. The men have had recent success with three consecutive wins in the Cambridgeshire Cup team competition. In the women's side, we boast the Cambridgeshire County Champion amongst our ranks. 

The most highly anticipated fixture each year is the Varsity match. The Blues head down to the Royal Automobile Club on Pall Mall in February to compete against their Oxford counterparts, and the 2nds/3rds/4ths play their match a couple of weeks later, with the venue alternating between Oxford and Cambridge.

The club relies on annual subscriptions of £100 from its members to cover the costs of court hire, competition entry, and coaching. Kit and travel are paid for separately, as well as match fees. 

The club wants to expand its activities and provide greater opportunity for its members to develop and compete while keeping subscription costs down. Regular support from alumni and friends of CUSRC ensures that the club is financially sustainable and avoids barriers to access.

Examples of what your donation could support:

  • Travel to matches, e.g. 1sts Varsity (£350)
  • A one-to-one lesson for all of the club's 50-60 members (£1500)
  • Pre-season training camp for the squad, for an intensive long weekend, to develop their games and get them ready for the season (£2000)

Please note that the club is able to claim Gift Aid on donations from UK taxpayers giving via the University's fundraising campaign, at no additional cost to the donor.

Visit the CUSRC website

Support the Cambridge University Squash Rackets Club (CUSRC)

Donate online or for more information on ways to support CUSRC please contact Derek Wilson:

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Make a gift now to support Squash Rackets Club by credit or debit card, or set up a direct debit:

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Or, find out about other ways to give.

Derek Wilson

Head of Development — Sport, Music Performance, Clubs and Societies



All gifts made through the philanthropy.cam.ac.uk website are treated as being made to the University of Cambridge with an expression of wishes that the funds be allocated to the registered University club or society which you have indicated as the desired recipient of your generous gift. Whilst the University retains the discretion to allocate the funds for a broader purpose, it fully intends to apply the funds in accordance with your wishes wherever possible. An expression of wishes shall not give rise to a trust or other legally-binding obligation. The University maintains a catalogue of Registered Clubs and Societies (including Sports Clubs). The University of Cambridge is an exempt charity subject to regulation by the Office for Students (OfS) under the Charities Act 2011, and therefore does not have a Charity registration number.

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Each sports club at Cambridge has a unique set of objectives and needs. To become fully sustainable in the long term, it is essential that clubs develop communities of philanthropic support.