Gender studies

Gender studies

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  • Vigeland sculpture
    A sculpture by Gustav Vigeland

The University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies is a multidisciplinary centre. We work together with more than 20 departments within the University and an international network of gender scholars beyond. Together this world-class collection of experts enables the Centre to facilitate outstanding teaching and research on gender analysis of human society.

The aim of the Centre is to increase our capacity for rigorous gender analysis and to promote awareness of its relevance in historic, economic, political, artistic, social and scientific contexts. The Centre runs high profile symposia, public lectures and research seminars, as well as a multi-disciplinary MPhil, a PhD programme, a visiting scholars programme and a distinguished Visiting Professorship Scheme (The Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Visiting Professorship).

The Centre also has an unparalleled record of eminent speakers on gender including Nobel Prize winners Amartya Sen and Shirin Ebadi; academics such as Judith Butler, Onora O'Neill, Conor Gearty, and Carol Gilligan; writers and activists such as Larry Kramer, Nawal el Saadawi, Tariq Ali and Helena Kennedy and scientific pioneers such as Carl Djerassi and Simon Baron-Cohen.

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Mark Williams

Associate Director — Humanities and Social Sciences

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The School of the Humanities and Social Sciences is concerned with human behaviour, its history and continuing development through the study of archaeology, anthropology, politics and international studies, sociology, economics, history, the philosophy of science, law, criminology and land economy.