Create an endowed fund
Help secure the long-term future of Cambridge sport in the target areas you are most passionate about
Why create an endowed fund
As Cambridge sport continues to grow in breadth and impact, the University requires a multifaceted investment strategy to support this momentum. Global economic trends in the last decade have introduced structural challenges, including the steady loss of sponsorship opportunities and reduced national investment in university sport, both sharply exacerbated by the pandemic.
Diminished funding streams place considerable pressure on the Cambridge University Sports Service, which must balance its budget across staff costs, the maintenance of grounds and facilities, and club grants.
Our mission is to make sure that Cambridge sport remains resilient, and philanthropy is a critical part of our strategy. Building on our existing commitment to sports clubs will help students achieve their full competitive potential, reduce inequalities in access, and ensure that everyone has a truly well-rounded experience at Cambridge for generations to come.
How to create an endowed fund
We encourage our alumni community and all supporters of Cambridge sport to donate to our newly established University Sports Endowment Fund. This fund holds and invests donations, fulfilling its purpose by preserving the capital and maximising income available for distribution. You can restrict your gift to any area of sport you are most passionate about, whether that is a club of your choice, the Club Support Fund, a sporting facility, or another project you’d like to discuss with us.
Endowed income is essential for the long-term future of University Sport. Endowment funds offer long-term financial benefits (with a five year + timescale) and will provide, on average, a 4% annual return on investment. An endowment fund can enable sports clubs to become financially sustainable through the provision of a regular source of income via guaranteed annual dividends.
Please contact us to discuss making a donation to the Sports Endowment Fund.