Create a new Postgraduate Centre
Post Covid-19 we must ensure that the Faculty of Classics remains a vibrant intellectual centre with a first-class physical environment, redeveloped to meet our changing needs.
As we look to expand our research programme and our graduate student population grows, the creation of a new graduate student centre to replace the current tiny postgraduate common room, as a hub where everyone meets, shares ideas and socializes, will have a hugely positive effect on our students. Equipped with a vibrant, stimulating and inspiring Postgraduate Centre, future generations of students will draw in the whole postgraduate population to experience the benefits of in-person intellectual debate and exchange of ideas.
Remodelling the existing Faculty building will require us to find significant additional funding. We would be delighted to hear from any alumni who would like to get involved in this project as we develop our plans.
Help us create a new Postgraduate Centre
To find out more about how you can support this project, please contact: