

Give online
to support Biochemistry

  • Biophotovoltaic devices and a micro-droplet array and biophotonics lab
    Biophotovoltaic devices (left) and (right) a micro-droplet array and biophotonics lab

Biophotovoltaics image copyright N De Mitri and biophotonics/micro-droplet images copyright L van Vliet

Support the natural curiosity and creativity of our scientists in their voyage of discovery of how cells work in health and disease.

The aim of the Biochemistry Department is to make discoveries that provide insights into and a greater understanding of the mechanisms of life, ageing and illness through basic and applied research. Our research contributes to the knowledge needed to answer some of the greatest questions faced by humanity.

Your donation will help us develop a greater understanding of:

  • how the integrity of DNA in maintained
  • what goes wrong in cancer
  • how infectious pathogens cause disease and some resist antibiotics
  • what happens when we age
  • how to enhance food production and security
  • how new bioenergy sources can be developed

How you can help support our Future Fund

We aim to recruit and educate the brightest minds, and provide a supportive environment for early career researchers to flourish. Your contribution will provide an opportunity for new researchers to take risks, and try and develop innovative complex research programmes, with funding of up to £50,000 per year for up to five years.

Next steps

Make a donation online now or, to discuss your philanthropic objectives, please contact:

Holly Singlehurst

Associate Director — Biological Sciences

Make a gift now

Make a gift now to support Biochemistry by credit or debit card, or set up a direct debit:

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This opportunity is part of

Cambridge is a world-leading centre of biological research, pioneering stem cell science and the fight against cancer and infectious diseases.