Norfolk - 'Levelling up. What will it take?' Professor Diane Coyle

Norfolk - 'Levelling up. What will it take?' Professor Diane Coyle

Norfolk - 'Levelling up. What will it take?' Professor Diane Coyle
Tuesday 25 January 2022, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT
Past event
Past event
Tuesday 25 January 2022, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT
  • Image of a conference
Hosted by Norfolk Cambridge Society
Open to: 
Public (open to all)
The Blake Studio | View details

“Levelling up” is regarded by many as merely a political slogan, devoid of a definition or of meaningful plans. Others may be more optimistic but wish to know 

  • what the objectives are or could be
  • what needs to be done to achieve these objectives
  • what is realistically achievable in the medium term
  • what the costs and benefits will be, and 
  • whether, and if so how, levelling up will affect our lives and change the country for the benefit of all.

Arguably no-one is better qualified to explore such questions, and give answers, than Diane Coyle. Not only is she a leading Cambridge University economics academic, she is also a Director of the Productivity Institute, a Fellow of the Office for National Statistics, and an expert adviser to the National Infrastructure Commission. She has been a member of the Competition Commission, the Migration Advisory Committee and the Natural Capital Committee and was awarded a CBE for her contribution to the public understanding of economics in the 2018 New Year Honours. Her latest book, Cogs and Monsters: What Economics Is, and What It Should Be, was published only last month. It explores the problems and opportunities facing economics today in helping policymakers solve many of the world’s deepest crises.

Booking information

The lecture is open to Norfolk Cambridge Society members and adult members of the public. Tickets are priced at £15 per person. However, for people in full-time adult education, for senior citizens over 60 and for all tickets bought and paid for before Saturday 18 December, the price will be reduced to £10 per person.

There is also a strictly limited number of tickets priced at £5, available to sixth form students accompanied by parents or teachers, on a first-come, first-served basis.

£5 - £15 per person

Booking for this event is now closed.


The Blake Studio
Norwich School
71a The Close
United Kingdom
Location information: 

Some car parking available at thee school.
