You are made of star stuff

You are made of star stuff

You are made of star stuff
Wednesday 24 July 2024, 7.00pm to 8.00pm BST
Past event
Past event
Wednesday 24 July 2024, 7.00pm to 8.00pm BST
  • Prof Burnell
Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Open to: 
Public (open to all)
Babbage Lecture Theatre | View details

Tickets for this talk are now sold out. Please visit the Institute of Astronomy YouTube Channel to join online.

Our human bodies contain a variety of chemical elements, each with its own distinct kind of atom. In this talk we will look at the main chemical elements found in our human bodies and discover how the stars created these elements in the first place and then made them available  to us – showing you are truly made of star stuff!


Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Prof Burnell

During her PhD at the University of Cambridge, Professor Burnell was involved in the discovery of pulsars, opening up a new branch of astrophysics - work that was recognised by the award of a Nobel Prize to her supervisor. While working part-time to raise a family she managed the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii as a facility for astronomers in British, Canadian and Dutch universities. She has used telescopes flown on high-altitude balloons, launched on rockets and carried on satellites, and built a radio telescope that was firmly grounded in Cambridgeshire. Jocelyn has been awarded the Oppenheimer prize, the Michelson medal, the Tinsley prize and the Magellanic Premium. The UK’s Royal Astronomical Society has also presented her with the Herschel Medal. The public appreciation and understanding of science have always been important to her. In 1999 she toured Australia giving the Women in Physics Lecture and her appointment to the Open University doubled the number of female professors of physics in the UK. Jocelyn ‘retired’ as Dean of Science at the University of Bath in 2004 and moved to a Visiting Professorship at the University of Oxford and a Professorial Fellowship at Mansfield College.

Booking information

Booking for this event is now closed.


Babbage Lecture Theatre
New Museums Site
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom

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