Cumbria - Pursuing Percy, a talk By Chris Wadsworth on Percy Kelly followed by dinner
Wednesday 13 September 2023, 6.30pm to 9.30pm BST
Robert Percy Kelly (1918–1993, known from 1985 to 1992 as Roberta Penelope Kelly) was an English artist, footballer, postal worker, and cross-dresser from Cumberland. He is known for his drawings and paintings depicting industrial coastal landscapes in decay, which he hoarded during his lifetime.
Chris Wadsworth is a northern writer. She trained as an art teacher working in secondary schools in Yorkshire, County Durham, Dorset and the Isle of Wight. In 1986, after many years in exile in the South she moved to Cumbria. She has travelled widely in her search for art and artists; Africa, India, Japan, Australia, Russia. She has become a well-known speaker and lecturer. Chris’ talk is titled Pursuing Percy. Following the talk there will be a buffet dinner.
Booking information
The talk will be followed by a buffet dinner with vegan options. Teas, coffee, water and juices are included. The Gaddum Lounge bar will be available for those who want to purchase alcoholic drinks.
The cost is £35 each, payable in advance. We need to let Brockhole know how many are coming by Monday 21 August so please book as soon as possible, but in any case, before then.
Booking for this event is now closed.
Car parking is available with wheelchair access.