Climate and nature research at Cambridge

Cambridge is working on solutions to regenerate nature, rewire energy, redefine economics, and rethink transport.

Climate and nature research at Cambridge

Forging a future for our planet

Cambridge is the global epicentre for bold and inventive climate and nature initiatives. Our planet inspires us to dream big and to find practical solutions with far-reaching impact on society, humanity, and our natural world.

Cambridge’s powerhouse community of leading climate institutions is tackling climate change on every front. From aviation to zero carbon — spanning landscape, biodiversity, sustainability, climate repair, and education for climate leadership — we are drawing together the most innovative research across the University to meet intellectual and technical challenges head-on.

With our experts ‘on the ground’ at COP and elsewhere, we are informing and shaping policy as the resource of choice for politicians, policymakers, and business leaders searching for answers.

Join us as our network unites to showcase our best and most compelling Climate and Nature thought leadership, research and innovation. Support our drive to regenerate the natural world and build lasting climate resilience for all.


To find out more about climate and nature research at Cambridge and to explore opportunities for philanthropic partnership, please contact:

Gordon Glick

Director of Development — University Strategic Initiatives