What sort of gift can I leave?

What sort of gift can I leave?

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There are several types of legacies which you could leave to the University.

A bequest to the University of Cambridge is free of tax for all UK taxpayers. Tax advantages vary depending on your country of residence, so please get in touch with us or a qualified solicitor to discuss further.

Residuary bequest (a percentage gift)

A residuary bequest leaves all or part of the remainder of your estate after other legacies and charges have been met.

Pecuniary bequest (a gift of a sum of money)

A pecuniary bequest leaves a specified sum of money. If you already have a Will, a pecuniary bequest can be added using a codicil. This form of gift is very simple to arrange and can be index-linked to prevent its value from being eroded by inflation.

Specific or non-monetary bequest (an item)

A specific or non-monetary bequest allows you to leave a gift in kind, such as valuables and works of art or collections, to the University, either on terms that they are retained or that they may be sold. Please contact us in advance if you would like to leave this kind of legacy.

Reversionary bequest

A reversionary bequest leaves your assets to a named beneficiary for their lifetime: for example, your spouse or other dependant. On their death, the whole or a specified proportion will revert to the University.

Legacy giving from outside the UK

If you are based in the United States, you can make a planned gift to Cambridge in America. For more information, please contact plannedgiving@cantab.org or visit Cambridge in America’s Planned Giving page.

For all other countries, please get in touch.


You can find out more about each of these ways to give by contacting Alice:

Alice Macek

Alice Macek

Associate Director — Legacies
