Latin American studies

Latin American studies

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  • Rory, Bolivia
    A lake shore in Bolivia

The Centre of Latin American Studies was founded in 1966 to promote research and teaching on Latin America in the University.

In addition to offering a taught M.Phil. course in Latin American Studies, and, more recently, doctoral studies, the Centre sponsors research projects, organises conferences and invites scholars from Latin America and universities around the world to speak at weekly open seminars.

The Centre's staff and students are involved in research across a wide range of disciplines, including history, sociology, politics, anthropology, economics, and cultural studies (including literature and the visual arts).

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Mark Williams

Associate Director — Humanities and Social Sciences

This opportunity is part of

The School of the Humanities and Social Sciences is concerned with human behaviour, its history and continuing development through the study of archaeology, anthropology, politics and international studies, sociology, economics, history, the philosophy of science, law, criminology and land economy.

The Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) provides an institutional focus at Cambridge for teaching and research on politics in all its dimensions.