Urological Malignancies Virtual Institute

Urological Malignancies Virtual Institute

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to support Urological Malignancies Virtual Institute

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Support the Urological Malignancies Virtual Institute to deliver high impact research that directly benefits patients.

Prostate and renal cancers are key contributors of cancer-related death and morbidity. Early detection and optimal primary treatment improves cure rates and reduces progression to metastasis.

The Institute's clinicians and scientists have developed closely integrated multi-disciplinary research themes including exploring new markers and imaging for early detection, better modelling of early disease biology, improved methods of risk stratification and novel therapeutic window studies alongside standard clinical treatments. This work is significantly enhanced by the Institute's large bio-repository and high-volume urological cancer practice in Addenbrooke's Hospital.

Your help will help us train future leaders at all stages of their careers and deliver clinical excellence with embedded research through the Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital.

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You can support the Urological Malignancies Virtual Institute by making a donation online, or to discuss your philanthropic goals, please contact:

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Dominic Antill

Head of Development — Cancer


This opportunity is part of

Cambridge is one of the few places in the world that can harness the kind of innovative thinking that has led to 27 Nobel Prizes in Medicine and 25 in Chemistry — and target it at how we diagnose, manage, and ultimately cure cancer.

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Philanthropic giving is at the heart of the success of the Collegiate University, enabling us to make discoveries that change the world and to ensure that our students receive an unrivalled education. Cambridge owes its world-leading excellence in research and teaching to the generosity of its supporters. Our history is synonymous with a history of far-sighted benefaction, and the same is as true today as it has ever been.